I’ve been writing SF since 1980, with over 60 stories and novels published.
I always wanted to be a science fiction writer when I grew up. When I realized I wasn’t going to grow up, I started writing and marketing my work. At that point, George Scithers edited Asimov’s SF, so I started sending things to him. After my fourth submission, he wrote, “We would like to see more of your work.” I remember thinking “my work? my work?”
I sent him a story about twice a month for over a year (an insane pace) until he said he wanted to buy my first story, The Munij Deseters if I made “a few small changes.” That required three rewrites — particularly difficult for me, since I was going through some bad times in my life. But the story was eventually published.
I then decided that if I really wanted to succeed, I’d have to write a novel. The result was Staroamer’s Fate, named to the Locus Recommended reading list and reader’s poll for 1986.
I’ve been writing ever since, eventually settling on writing what I call hidden historical fantasy, where the fantastic events are unreported in history.