Print Magazines
“Ulenge Prime,” Analog, Jan-Feb. 2015
“Saving Hitler” Space and Time Magazine, Winter 2009
“Spare Change,” Realms of Fantasy, February 2007. Reprinted in the Digital SF QuickFic 2 Anthology
“Sundials,” Aboriginal SF, Fall 1999. Honorable Mention, “Year’s Best Science Fiction,” Vol 17, Gardiner Dozois, editor.
“Fionna,” Absolute Magnitude, Summer 1999.
“The Gingerbread House,” Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine, Spring 1999. Second place winner, Cauldron Award competition for that issue.
“Punishment,” Pulp Eternity, Issue 1 “Time . . . A Retrospective”
“Sold,” Voices, Spring 1998. A journal of writings by the faculty and staff at Siena College, where I worked.
“Revisions,” Aboriginal SF, Spring 1996.
“Pest Control,” Realms of Fantasy, October 1994.
“Robots,” Galaxy, Sept/Oct 1994.
“Olympus Bar and Grill,” Galaxy, July/Aug 1994.
“Nothing Changes,” Galaxy, Mar/April 1994.
“The Passing of the Beacon Star,” Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, April 1994.
“Perfectly Preserved,” Galaxy Jan/Feb 1994.
“1-800-CALL-GOD,” Alternate Hilarities, January 1994. Nominee for the Fredric Brown Award for best short Humorous SF of the year.
“Screams Are Not Enough,” Aboriginal SF, Fall 1993.
“The Dream Master,” After Hours, Spring 1993.
“Natural High,” Aboriginal SF, Spring 1993. Winner of the Boomerang Award for the best short story published in the magazine in 1993.

“The Collector,” VB Tech Magazine, June 1996. My first cover story.
“First Draft,” Tales of the Unanticipated, Winter 1993.
“C+,” Sci-Fi Channel Magazine, January 1993.
“Something on His Mind,” Aboriginal SF, Sept-Dec 1991.
“The Willow,” Tales of the Unanticipated, inter 1991.
“Imaginary Space,” Science Fiction Review, Fall 1990.
“Playmates,” Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1986.
“The Icewolf Rider,” Oracle, Winter 1985.
“The Munij Deserters,” Isaac Asimov’s SF Magazine, June 1982.
“Spare Change” (Reprint) Digital SF QuickFic 2 Anthology
“The Brownies of Death,” Flash Fiction Online, November 2015.
“Plotting War,” Digital Science Fiction Original, September 2015. Reprinted in the anthology “Cosmic Hooey,” November 2015
“Pot,” Daily Science Fiction, March 16, 2015
“The Princess’s Kiss,” Penumbra eZine , May 2012. Reprinted in Best of Penumbra, Vol. I
“Her Old Man,” Daily Science Fiction, May 2011
“Regular Guy”, On the Brighter Side issue #3, January 2009
“A Date with Patti Pleezmi,” Baen’s Universe, October 2008
“The Sound of a Bell,” Electric Wine, October 2000.
“Occurrence at Arroyo de Buho Bridge, Strange Horizons, October 9, 2000. Honorable Mention, “Year’s Best Science Fiction,” Vol 18, Gardiner Dozois, editor.
Print Anthologies
“Her Old Man,” (reprint) Horror for the Throne, July 2021
“Dinosaur Stew,” Temporally Out of Order, August 2015
“Pest Control” (reprint), Fantasy Super Pack #1, June 2014

‘Dust Storm,” Triangulation: Parch, October 2014. The cover is based on the story.
“1-800-CALL-GOD, ” Alternate Hilarities. February 2014. No, this isn’t a repeat from 1993; the editor of the magazine is starting it up again and asked to reprint it.
“The Read Planet” Redshifted, Winter 2014.
“Spirk Station” in Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, Ed. Erin Underwood and Hannah Strom-Martin, February 2013
“The Art of Dancing Naked,” Mortis Operandi, Kfir Luzzatto & Dru Pagliassoti, ed, December 2012
“The Last Dragon Slayer” Unidentified Funny Objects, Alex Svartzman, ed., December 2012
“Her Old Man,” reprinted in Not Just Rockets and Robots: Daily Science Fiction Year One., October 2012
“This is Your ‘Life,'”Between The Darkness and the Fire , Jeffrey Dwight, ed., Wildside Press and SFF.NET, August 1998.
“Bela,” Blood Muse, Esther Friesner and Martin H. Greenburg, eds.– Donald I. Fine, December 1995.
Slush-O-Matic,” Swashbuckling Editor Stories, John Gregory Betancout, ed. — Wildside Press, November 1993.
“Curse of the Undead,” Vampires, Jane Yolen and Martin H. Greenburg, eds. — HarperCollins, October 1991. Reprinted in Read Magazine, October 2000
“Just a Phase,” Anthology, Brian Youmans, ed. — Genericon Press (convention book), February 1987.
“The Transformation,” Tomorrow’s Voices, Editors of Asimov’s SF Magazine, eds. — Dial Press, March 1984.
“Pot” Podcastle 820, January 2024
“Pot,” Planet Raconteur, May 2022
“Patron,” Frequency #3, 2002. Read by Carel Struycken (Mr. Hom from Star Trek The Next Generation).
“Nothing Changes,” Galaxy Audio Project, 1994. Read by Catherine Oxenberg.
“Perfectly Preserved,” Galaxy Audio Project, 1994. Read by James Healy
Interview: “An Interview with Chuck Rothman,” Flash Fiction Online, November 2015
Review: Man vs. Machine, New York Review of Science Fiction, December 2009
Reviews: Tangent, 1997-present
Profile: Chuck Rothman, Tangent, Fall 1996Filler: “Tooth or Consequences,” Reader’s Digest, February 1995
Review: “Return to Ringworld,” Science Fiction Age, November 1994
Article: “Poetry at Noreascon III,” Star*Line, Sept/Dec 1989
Interview: “An Interview with Chuck Rothman,” Flash Fiction Online, November 2015